Tuesday, December 20, 2011

...About Turn Signals and Such

Blinker, turn signal, dink dink, directional indicator, beenka-beenka -- I don't care what you call the damn thing, USE IT!  I have been driving for a long many years now (39 actually), and I have to say that in my lifetime behind the wheel of MANY different cars, every one of them had turn signals. Trucks, too!  What a concept! 
[Understand that because of my age, I will sometimes use the phrase, "Back when I was a kid" or some such like that. I never thought I'd be that way, but I suppose we are a product of our years.  But.... I digress!]
*ahem*    Back when I was a kid learning to drive, the driver's instruction manual was very clear on the use of arm & hand signals to indicate a turn was about to occur. HA! Most young people I know probably have no idea what that means or what those signals are. I will be seeing my daughter Elizabeth this weekend, and I'm going to ask her. ('Course, she'll probably read this and study before she gets here because she likes to fool me.) 
Using a blinker should be as natural while driving as turning up the radio volume, or turning on the windshield wipers, or eating french fries. Should be. But for some unknown reason, people are just plain not gonna do it.
I'm not really sure why they put a horn on a car, though. I don't use it. (All the damn college kids around this area, however, have practiced the hell outta that!) I will open my great big size 42 mouth and let 'em have it! "For about 35 cents more you coulda gotten one with blinkers on it!!"   My wife doesn't like it when I yell at another driver. Usually it's because I have the window up and it resonates through the car - and her head. "Geez, Paul! You know they can't hear you, right?!"   I don't know why I yell at them... I suppose it makes me feel better.  Not her.

And while I'm here... Learn how to make a turn!  The driver's manual (from 1970ish) was clear about making turns, too.  When you turn left onto a roadway with 2 lanes, you turn into the closest lane, turn on your TURN SIGNAL and move to the right lane when clear. It amazes me the number of people who drive as though negotiating a small waterway with an aircraft carrier! Unbeknownst to most drivers today is that your car - even without adding some special equipment - will make pretty close to a 90 degree turn. You don't have to swing that frigate out into three lanes when you turn.  'Course if you'd get that thing outta your ear and drive, you'd probably be surprised at what you'd accomplish.

I've always said the only bumper sticker I would want on my car would say, "Get off the damn phone and drive!"  I watched a guy, talking on his phone, turn onto a street in front of another car. The second car honked the horn at him pretty hard. The guy was so insert-your-favorite-word-for-stupid-here that he actually waved out the window, apparantly thinking it was someone saying "hello." 

I saw a car that had hit another car in a parking lot. The driver is standing there with a dumbfounded look on its face, as though it can't figure out why that happened, while still talking on the phone. "Well, damn, girl," it says, "Imoan hafta go. I done got in a wreck."  (Yes, I said "it" on purpose.)   And the rest of us just shake our heads.

Have I missed anything?  I'm sure I have... we'll get it next time.

1 comment:

  1. I DO know about hand signals. Point your arm straight up if you are turning right. I didn't google it either. It was in my driving manual when I was 15....and I remember!
