Monday, March 9, 2020

...about Celebrity Importance

I suppose a year of no blog means things have been going pretty smoothly. I was prompted recently that I had expressed a view or two that might be better fleshed-out in a blog, so here we go! 

Personally, I think we lend waaaay too much credence to what those in celebrity life positions tell us, care about, or feel. We let them express their viewpoints, and we discuss them, are thoughtful about their position, and truly seem to mold our own positions based on what they tell us. 

Let me say right here that I use the editorial "we" in this discussion. Please do not be misled into thinking that I agree with, or even pay attention to what these high-dollar clowns think. I suppose I was trained in the use of we in an editorial sense from way back. I fully grasped from someone's teaching, that we is a much better alternative to the self-serving, or finger-pointing feeling exuded by the use of the word "I".  But...I digress. 

Let's look at a few examples of what I'm talking about with these celebrities. I call it "Aaaannnnnddd.... nobody cares!

After news of an NBA memo talking about playing games without fans or media, as a preventative measure to stem the spread of coronavirus, LeBron made clear to the media, and everyone who listened, "So if I show up to an arena and there ain’t no fans in there, I ain’t playing. They can do what they want to do.”  Now there are those who believe he could entice other players to say the same. But, as one reporter observed, they get paid when they play.
As for me? I say - Aaaannnnnddd.... nobody cares! 

In 2003, Natalie Maines made a comment that brought the Dixie Chicks career to a screeching halt. While performing live in England, she took a shot at President Bush 43. Country music stations, and especially country music fans stopped playing and buying their music... like instantly! After many years of obscurity, the Dixie Chicks released a new album last week. Heard it was releasing...have heard zero update.  Aaaannnnnddd.... nobody cares! 

Back in January, Harry and Meghan declared their intent to step back as "senior" members of the royal family. They also shared their plans to become financially independent and to split their time between the U.K. and North America. Aaaannnndd... nobody cares! 

The Bachelor season 24 will wrap up this Monday and Tuesday, finally revealing to us all who Pilot Pete either has or hasn't proposed to and what his future may hold. It's an ending that has been described as "unprecedented," and Chris Harrison even claimed that not a single person knows exactly what will happen. Holy crap! 24 years!?? Aaaannnndd...nobody cares! 

On March 3, 2020, Breitbart News reported Biden’s announcement that Beto O’Rourke would be heading up his gun control push.  Biden made clear O’Rourke will “be the one who leads” the gun control agenda.  During a September 12, 2019, Democrat debate, O’Rourke said, “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-17.” A threat that was answered by many, including a Governor and a Congressman with, "Go ahead. Try it."  Aaaannnndd....nobody cares! 

My point to all of this is to show that we as an intelligent society have allowed these types of people to believe that they own a controlling stock in our thinking and our way of life. That they in some ridiculously tiny fashion, have any impact in our lives other than pure, mindless entertainment. They truly believe that we give one hoot in hell about them and their supercilious driveling. WHO CARES what Whoopi and them other cackling hens on The View think? Nobody cares! 

Enjoy TV. Enjoy sports. Enjoy talk shows. Enjoy politics, if you have the stomach. But please, please, please remember. YOU think and decide what's right. Don't let these over-paid, under-intelligent, limelight-seeking, drooling idiots blur your vision of what is real and what is fake; what is smart and what is dumb; and what is right and what is wrong. Your mother taught you those things a long time ago. 

Sorry for the length. Aaaannnndd...nobody cares!  


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