Sunday, December 9, 2012

...About My Armpits

There are people who think I have strong opinions. I do. I have always said that "opinions are like armpits -- everybody has a couple and they all stink!" Today's little sermon is FULL of my armpits. I hope you can stand it. 

All my life it has been a joke with my father that "it's too bad everybody can't be like we are." That feeling, or the sense of it, was a big fodder-piece for the destruction of my relationship with the 1st former Mrs. McNeeley. All of us believe that what we feel strongly about is the way life should actually be. I mean, after all, as a matter of fact, I DO know everything!  But... I digress!  

Here are some of my opinions and feelings. 

Cam Newton is a pretty good quarterback. He was while at Auburn, and is in the NFL. Is he the greatest? No. But he's pretty good. He makes things happen with his ability to run, pass, read defenses, etc. BUT - I absolutely despise all of the "it's all about me." He makes a good play - maybe even a great play - and it's the dance and "Superman" shirt peel and arms waving demanding applause. I get the exuberance and the adrenaline flood. Control yourself; there were 10 other people who made that possible. You can do great things, but not by yourself. What I truly enjoyed were the several weeks during which the Panthers weren't winning - badly weren't winning. I enjoyed how sad and pious and humbled and defeated he sounded during the press conferences after the games. Good enough for you. Be a gracious winner like Drew Brees or Aaron Rogers or Eli Manning or Peyton or so many others whom you, Cam, can only hope to be like one day. 

I have had enough of the other countries in this world being in better shape than our own. We are putting our people out of work every day by taking our industries to other countries so the big-wigs can make more money. I get the whole profit thing. I understand the desire to cut expenses and increase the bottom line. Do you know that we import $50 billion each year from China just in computer equipment, while the largest export from the U.S. to China is $8 billion worth of... wait for it... waste paper and scrap metal. Things our workers don't make. 
A man I know owns an embroidery business. He and his wife opened a small business in north Alabama. They grew their business large enough that, at one point, every flag emblem on the pocket of a TOMMY HILFIGER shirt was sewn by them! Every Polo pony on a RALPH LAUREN shirt was sewn by them! They bought over $1 million of additional high-end equipment to keep up with the customer's needs. And in a very short time, in the blink of an eye, BOTH companies yanked their business to farm out to other countries to make more money. He and his wife were devastated. 
We MUST stop this from happening. We MUST return to insisting on products that read "Made in America!" My friend Jon pointed out that if we spend just $100 per month on US goods, instead of Chinese goods, we will bring BILLIONS back into our own economy each year. If we don't, we will continue to see our neighbors lose their jobs and the fat boys of the big companies grow fatter. And more importantly, other countries will begin to replace us as the greatest country in the world. NOT ACCEPTABLE. 
This is also true of education for our children. We MUST make the education of our children better. We are so concerned with who might be left behind, or losing our summer vacation, or  being politically correct in our schools, or making little Johnny or Susie feel good about themselves that we have lost focus on the process that educating children is the only way we will stay a leader in this ever-advancing world.  

During the "Occupy" bullshit... I mean movement, I saw a picture of a guy publicly defecating on an American flag while the large crowd around him cheered. I know that it's his right as an American to do that. I also believe that, if I had been there, I would likely have exercised my right as an American to pummel the living hell out of him.  'Course my buddy Kevin would advocate that it should be my right as an American to put a .45 cal round right between his beady little eyes. I agree. 
Because we tolerate this kind of disrespect for our own country, we are the laughing stock of the rest of the world. It's one thing for some less-than-stellar individuals in another country to get sand in their crack and burn our flag, but to allow it at home is unconscionable. 

[This is the point where I was going to address the government issues like Healthcare, Fiscal Cliffs, and politicians, but that's going to be lengthy also, so I'll save that for the next time.]

Here is my platform for being elected: The other countries around the world hate us. Fine. Bring every one of our people home. The Germans hate us. Fine. Close our huge Ramstein Air Base and bring our people and all of that revenue the Germans love home. The Middle East countries hate us. Fine. Bring every one of our troops home. When you finish destroying your country and yourselves, we will come in and plant our flag and rename it "America Annex 32." 
Next, take all of our Soldiers and put them shoulder to shoulder around the outline of the United States. NO ONE gets in. You want into America? Apply. Go through the proper, legal steps and come on in. I bet our Soldiers would love to stand guard at our borders and sleep in an American bed each night. 
Next, when a plane lands at an airport from out of the country, stand at the bottom of the stairs and check IDs. You ain't from here? Get back on the plane. You want to be here? Read the paragraph above. 
Now before you get in a twist, I'm not against people coming to America. DO IT THE RIGHT, LEGAL WAY. That's all I'm saying. 
Next, there is no more welfare. No more Government assistance. Get a job. "There ain't any"? Now there are. The people who were here illegally, who have gone home to apply for entry and citizenship, left all the jobs. You start work tomorrow picking oranges, or potatoes, or onions. We will pay you minimum wage. Problems for farmers, solved. You don't want that job? Get another one. You don't like that job? Tough. Get another one. Whatever. We ain't paying for you to sit at home and have babies and drive an Escalade anymore. Stop your whining, put on your big-boy panties and get a job, pay your bills, and pay your taxes -- LIKE I DO!  
Now... go vote for me!! 

Today's rant over. 


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