Wednesday, October 24, 2012

...About Our Society's Stupidity.

Sorry I've been away so long. I'm back now. And I've got something to say. 

It has gotten to the point anymore where I wonder just how much more we, as a Society, can take. Our country is on the verge of blowing up. Not because of the current pending political elections; though that doesn't help much of anything. Not because of the wars we have been deeply lost in for the last decade-plus. Not because American Idol can't seem to keep judges anymore (like I give a damn!). But because we have gotten to the point that we will allow and accept anything. We are so damned concerned with what some poor, mealy-mouthed, cry-baby pansy is going to say, we let ourselves become foolish-looking to the rest of the world. 

I have a vision; it goes like this:  George and Larry (someone will get offended if I say "Achmed and Abdul") are sitting on their mats in the sand. 

George: We should attack America. 
Larry: Are you crazy?! That's ludicrous! 
George: Why?? 
Larry: Because America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. They will kill us!! 
George: It will never happen... they will be too concerned about hurting our feelings. 
Larry:  Oh. OK, let's do it. 

But, I digress! 

Here is an actual story from today's newspaper here in Florida: 

A 43-year-old woman was arrested for throwing a cup of Coke in her husband's face. The incident occurred Oct. 13 at a Plympton Road residence. According to an Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office arrest report, the two, who have been married for 17 years, became involved in an argument. During the argument, the woman threw a cup of Coke on her husband, "causing the liquid to strike the victim in the face, neck, and chest area," the deputy wrote in the report.

The woman was charged with misdemeanor battery and has a Nov. 6 court date. 

WHAT THE HELL???? Are you kidding me? THAT is an arrest-able offense??!! If my wife did that to me, we'd "play wrestle" and end up laughing like hyenas. Last summer she pushed me into our pool fully clothed! Obviously she should have been sentenced to the electric chair!! 

Here's another I found: 

A Brooklyn graffiti artist was reportedly caught in the act last week, and a neighbor reported the tagging incident to authorities, who then sent a warning letter to the alleged criminal. The catch? The perp was a six-year-old girl drawing with sidewalk chalk on her parents' stoop. If officials choose to take action, the family could face up to a $300 fine. 

Some absolute, total jackass reported that little girl! When I was a kid, lo, these MANY years ago, my mom was generally glad we didn't write on the walls and cut each others' pinkies off! I suppose sidewalk chalk was actually meant to be used in the toilet. 

Yet another one: 

A ten-year-old girl was arrested last month because of what she brought for lunch. When teachers saw that the student had brought a steak knife in her lunch (for the odious purpose of cutting her steak), they reportedly called law enforcement officials, who arrested the girl. Sources note that the fifth grader rode in a patrol car and was handed weapons charges, since having knives on school property is against school policy.  

This poor 10-year old will be scarred for life. Every boy who takes her on a date to a steak restaurant will have to deal with a screaming banshee when the silverware roll is opened! I hear that screeching music from Psycho... scree*scree*scree*scree*scree*scree!  

My point is this: If we, the "Silent Majority" don't retake control of this country and invite the really, really stupid people to shut up and sit down, we are going to get to the point that if you spank your child, you will be arrested, charged with assault, and likely lose your child. WAIT!!!!  TOO LATE! 

I am sick to damn death of having the worthless, whiny-baby, politically correct pansies tell us what we can and can't do now. I get the whole ABUSE concern; and that's NOT what I'm talking about. I'm talking about allowing children (and those not smarter than) to run how we, as grown, God-fearing adults will be governed. 

When I win the lottery, I'm buying an island. And the invitation list ain't very long. 


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