Tuesday, January 17, 2012

...About Quarterbacks

Never, have I ever seen anything as ridiculous as the quarterbacks in the NFL these days. They have become the biggest bunch of pansies I have seen in quite some time. You put on enough pads to increase your footprint to about the size of a Volkswagon van, run onto the field of battle to trounce your opponent into a quivering heap, and whine like a 2 year old everytime somebody touches you. Really? REALLY?

"Well, Michelle, we know it's gonna be a tough fight, but we've studied them carefully and prepared all week for the kinda grind-it-out game this always is. They're a tough team who likes to hit hard, and we've gotta be tougher and hit harder, if we're gonna make it to the next level."  
Followed on the field in the next little bit with, "C'mon, Ref, how 'bout some roughin' (the quarterback) here! He's hittin' me pretty hard!"  Again - REALLY? 

Unfortunately, the referees and the NFL listen to it. It's a damn shame that, because he couldn't take the hits, there became a "Brady Rule" in the NFL. Don't get me wrong -- though I, personally, don't like Tom Brady, he's a very good quarterback. He's one the best ever at putting a ball through the eye of a needle. But he is the WHINIEST guy I think I've seen in quite some time. Anybody gets close - he's at the referee demanding a flag. "That's a late hit!  "He's grabbin' my face mask!"  "He didn't use the right deodorant!"  Man, just shut up and play football!  I actually saw a referee point a finger at him once and say "Back off!" You could read his lips as plain as day. "Back off!" 

Now, don't get me wrong. There are some quarterbacks who are the toughest people in the world. Aaron Rogers, Drew Brees, Big Ben (I call him Big Ben mostly because I can't spell Rothlisberger). Big Ben has a broken nose and 2 broken fingers and plays. He has a badly injured ankle and plays - and I mean plays hard. Gets mad at himself because he made a bad throw because his ankle stopped working - that's a tough dude. If Drew Brees turns to a referee looking for a call, he's probably got blood running out of some opening. Aaron Rogers waited so long to get to play, he just wants to play.   And there are many others. MANY others.

You wanna see some hard-hitting quarterbacks? Watch college football. Those guys haven't got time to be pansy-ish. They've got a job to do, and if they can't get it done, they've got a coach who will yank 'em out and run another one on.

Many, many years ago, Andy Griffith was a young comedian before he was Sheriff Taylor. One of the earliest skits was called "What it Was, Was Football."  If you can find it, listen to it. It is hilarious. One of the funniest lines from that story was about how hard-hitting the sport was: "They run up and down that cow pasture and hit one another, and smashed one another, and run over one another; and as fast as one of 'em would get hurt, they'd tote him off and run another one on!"    But... I digress! 

College quarterbacks haven't learned how to whine yet. And so the sport is, in my humble lopsided opinion, much more exciting to watch.  I think there must be a "course" during the pro football combine that teaches quarterbacks how to do it. Eli certainly carries the whiny baby look well. Drop a pass? Here comes the head roll and the "aw, man, why didn't you catch it?" look.

It must be difficult these days to be a defensive player. When rushing the quarterback, you cannot hit him above the chest or below the knees. You cannot make contact with his head, which is covered by a helmet, when attempting to deflect the ball. You cannot make contact with him after the ball has been thrown or handed off to another player. You cannot untie his shoes or say his name under your breath 3 times.

Instead of crying like some Academy Award-seeking actor because somebody looked at you the wrong way, maybe you need to put on your big-boy panties and play football.  C'mon, Man!

HERE IT IS!! Andy Griffith's original skit - What It Was, Was Football  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNxLxTZHKM8


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