It has been a while since I've been here. If you're reading this, thank you for stopping in!
It seems people are becoming worse and worse and worse every day. The things people will do, or say, or condone from their children is becoming more and more appalling.
Now let's get this out of the way right off the bat. This is NOT going to be a political rant, though I could certainly make it one easily. And that means from or for either camp! But I'm not going to do that. I have friends who share my views and friends who don't. I am not going alienate anyone. I love my friends. I have tried to remain calm and not get swept up in any frenzy. Gonna try to keep being that way. But... I digress.
I saw on the news the other night where a fight broke out in the hallway at a school. Involved? Students AND parents! Can you believe that? Parents fighting in the halls. Some did the "pull-off-your-shirt-and-look-bad" thing. Grown. Adults. You got that? And people wonder why things like the Knockout Game go on.
It makes me want to regurgitate when I see a news story where we see video of a punk/thug/criminal committing a heinous crime, and the parent is complaining that their little angel did nothing wrong; just needs to be understood and hugged; and it's everydamnbody's fault but the little nare-do-well. Really? REALLY?? It's MY fault your little piece of wasted molecules is committing crimes?
Last night, I was witness to another such terrible show of asinine adult behavior.
Some of you know that I work for a school district. Part of my job is to video record School Board meetings for public record. So I am at all of them, and hear all the proceedings. Sometimes it's quite rewarding - someone being honored for a great accomplishment. A student being honored for being the Outstanding Something in the Nation. Sometimes it sucks badly. Like last night...
Mixed in with some really nice recognitions and such, was a contingent of folks - adults and students - imploring the school board to incorporate a new athletic sport into the district's offerings. It couldn't come at a worse time. The legislature voted that same day on items that will severely affect many districts financially. Now, add the request for a new sports program? Not good timing. And the folks doing the requesting didn't give two-hoots-in-hell about the funding woes. They felt they had an answer for it. They feel that enough people want to come out to watch Lacrosse, that it would pay for itself. Yeah...ok. When the direction of the board's comments swayed from the rose-covered welcoming the crowd wanted to hear, they became jerks. There was rude shouting, booing, heckling -- all being done by the PARENTS of the students in attendance. WHAT THE HELL KIND OF EXAMPLE ARE YOU SETTING?!?! (Sorry for yelling.)
We wonder why the young people of today feel entitled. We wonder why the young people of today have no respect for authority. We wonder why the young people of today have no sense of responsibility for their actions. This is why. And until those parents start figuring out how badly they are ruining their children, things will only get worse.
I guess it might stop when young people start deciding their parents have lived long enough and aren't needed anymore.