Wednesday, July 6, 2016

…About Feet.

OK. I haven't been here in a while, and a couple of people have prompted, so here we go. Hang on!

I have marveled for many years at the human. None of us can fathom the intricacies of God's work in creating such a machine. Hundreds of puzzle pieces that connect here to affect some function there to reach the result of this and help us accomplish that. So wonderfully amazing. Whenever I see some program on Discovery or Science or whatever, I am so engrossed in the sheer awesomeness of what we, generally, don't ever think about. That's the part about the inside.

On the outside - more amazement. Though there are exceptions, people have all the same exterior pieces. 2 ears, 2 eyes, 2 arms, 2 legs, a nose, a mouth, a butt… you get the picture. Everybody has the same parts, but how those parts line up, how they look combined, is truly a work of art. I have the same parts as George Clooney and Harrison Ford, but I will admit that I probably don't look quite as good as they. (It's close, but not quite.)

And - Everybody has feet. And 99.9999% of feet are not pretty. And of that 99.9999%, the majority are pretty ugly.

What are you gonna do with those? Sit on a telephone wire?

For many years I have felt that God may have said, "Everybody is going to have something that is ugly. If it's not anything else, it'll be feet." Now I don't know if God really said that or not. I don't pretend to have that type of knowledge. There are those who believe they know God's thoughts or reasons. I think they are full of hooey. If you give them long enough, they usually show their ridiculousness and fakeness. BUT… I digress.

Some of the most beautiful people I have ever known - male and female - have the ugliest feet. I mean swoop-down-outta-the-sky-and-grab-a-fish ugly! And I get that, and it's OK, just please keep them things covered up so we don't have to see 'em!

I won't even get into the conversation about WalMart feet - should be no need. Hopefully there's not any question what them things look like. YUK! "At least hit them things with a wash rag!"  But that is a prime example of what I'm talking about. I'm not sure most people have any sense of what they look like to other people. How can people who have any sense of what looks nice and what doesn't go out in public waving them fins around for the rest of us to try not to look at? I suppose there is a point where some would say, "I just don't care what others think." That's too bad. You should have better friends - someone who will tell you your feets is U-G-L-Y!

OH! Here's one for you:

Them things belong to a famous celebrity! I won't mention names, but she OWNs her OWN network, and if you spell her name backwards, it is the same as a famous Marx brother.

Now some people have been blessed with pretty feet. I know some. Lucky them. I bet they've got stinky pits and belly-button lint. But as I say, there aren't too many.

I'm not trying to be a jerk. I promise. All I'm asking is that we all think a little before we do that foot selfie. Take a good look down and, if you feel like "maybe these are less than desirable", enjoy sporting a really nice, covering sandal. I think it's great to let us all know that the beach vacation is going so wonderfully, but, personally, I'd rather see your smiling face with the waves in the background than your stinky, sandy, tired dogs. Toe nail polish? Not always very effective - see above picture. Maybe put some socks on and leave a little to the imagination. "I bet that's some sexy toes under yonder!"

And, yes, I love flip-flops as much as the next person, but when I go somewhere, I put on topsiders. I'm just sayin'.
