Sunday, June 16, 2013

...About My Armpits - part II

Some may remember that I wrote a blog a while back titled ...About My Armpits. I'll save you the trouble of figuring it out -- "Opinions are like armpits; everybody has a couple and they all stink." 

I have no problem expressing my opinion about things. This venue gives me the chance to say them out loud and release the great weight from my shoulders. I must say, it gets very tiring carrying these pieces of wisdom for all of you. But - I do what I must to be a beacon of great knowledge to....... aw, shut the hell up. But..... I digress! 

I write my opinions here, but I am becoming concerned that soon, you will not have the ability to see them because of one of the very things I want to rail about. My fear is that I will complain about this overwhelming amount of spying from our own government, but it will be captured and deleted before you even see it!  I get the whole need for capturing those who want to commit horrible acts upon our people. I understand that this high-tech world becomes harder and harder to police and protect everyday. BUT - I'm just not sure how much of this complete and total invasion of privacy I can stomach. 
My father always said, "If you haven't done anything wrong, you shouldn't be worried."  I agree with that; I have always maintained that same opinion. However, these days, in this time in which we live, it is becoming harder and harder to support that feeling. To learn that phone calls, emails, Google searches, Facebook posts, text messages, etc. etc. etc. are all being monitored - and have been for a LONG time - is not only scary, it is downright enraging. If the government wants to listen to me tell Mark some dirty joke on the phone; if the government wants to read some mundane email conversation I'm having with Randy; if the government wants to read my flirty/dirty text messages with my wife; they are going to find that a MASSIVE waste of time and taxpayer money.  
Yeah, I hear the government saying, "We don't really listen to everything - computers listen for key words. We don't really read all of your Facebook posts - computers look for key words." But it sure seems strange to me, for example, that certain Facebook posts seem to get deleted. I have a friend who posts hard-hitting political criticism pretty regularly. Recently, he said he posted some big critical statement. Deleted. Reposted it. Deleted. Reposted a 3rd time. Deleted. He says it happened in just a short time period. Now, I have no proof - but I've known him all my life and I don't know him to be a liar.  
All of this is to say that I feel there needs to be something done. Maybe the government needs to openly say, "We are monitoring your call, emails, searches, etc.  Know it, accept it, get over it, or move."  Maybe that truly is too much.  I don't know.  As I say, for the most part I don't care what they see/hear from me. All I know is this: What is going on scares the hell outta me, and I don't know yet what I truly feel.  If you're reading this, Big Brother, don't take any action yet - I ain't done nothing wrong. And, oh by the way, you suck!   Hahahaha! I said it! 

Moving on............. 

In the continuing saga of this world is going down the intelligence-toilet, I pass along the following: 

How long did it take you to see it?  Can you believe that, in a setting as MASSIVE as this; as world-watched as this, that this would happen????  From print layout designer, to the printer, back through the client who proofed the product, to the installer, to the stadium officials, to the NCAA, DID NO ONE SEE THIS ASININE DISPLAY OF STUPIDITY??!!  What the hell?! 

I pass road construction in about 4 different places on my commute to work everyday. Here's a quote from a sign I look at everyday:  


It has been that way for 4 months now!  Obviously, there is NO ONE working on that project who has the wherewithal to see that sign. AAARRRGGHHH!!!!  

OK, One more: 

I see this everywhere now. 

I find it either very thoughtful that someone is concerned for the well-being of those unfortunate Permits who suffer from some disability, or, once again, people do not pay any attention to what it is that they are actually saying. 

Maybe just one more: 

Robert and I were on the way back from Virginia. I think it was in Virginia that the state highway signs state: 

We screamed with laughter at the thought of having to ride on the hood, holding on in the pouring rain, trying to keep matches or a torch lit, while holding it to the headlight!   

Pay attention people!  You are making yourselves look stupid by your lack of attention to detail! 

More soon. You know it won't take long!